At present the International arbitration certainly takes leading positions among the ways of dispute resolution within the sphere of foreign-economic activity. Today there are many standing arbitration institutes which offer their services in the resolution of disputes between the enterprises participating in international trade. As a rule, these institutes are created by the organizations uniting businessmen, for the purpose of ensuring auspicious conditions of carrying on business both at home and foreign markets.
"International Committee for Settlement of non-governmental Disputes” (ICSNGD) was created in Strasbourg in 2005 by leading international jurists of a number of states with the purpose of the realization of the Program of development of the international system of the alternative dispute resolution, participation in the realization of the international justice institutes reform.
The development of the International system of the alternative dispute resolution presupposes creation of international arbitrations free from the pressure of economic and political priorities and the policy of double standards of social systems opposition. Availability of such legal institute promotes establishment of favorable investment climate, growth of commodity circulation, and increase of industrial production volume.
International Court of Arbitration ICSNGD (5608 17th AWE NW # 1009, Seattle, WA 98107-5232 US) is registered as head court in the State of Washington, USA. The court is made up of skilled international jurists and experts from more than 15 states.
The legal base for organizational management of ICSNGD and the court "International Court of Arbitration ICSNGD " is formed by the Convention of the United Nations "About recognition and reduction of foreign arbitral awards", New York, 1958, the Convention "About international commercial arbitration", Geneva, 1961, Uniform Arbitration Act of the Revised Code of Washington, and international agreements in the field of economic cooperation.
According to informal data the specified courts are the world’s greatest non-state courts as to the structure of arbitrators, quantity of receptions and territory scope.
The register of arbitration judges is conducted in Seattle (State of Washington) and is annually published in one of the Strasbourg press organs.
Vigorous cooperation develops between the arbitration institutes located in different countries and the organizations which have founded them. This collaboration is aimed at increasing the efficiency of their assistance in the resolution of economic disputes. Such cooperation is in the first place directed at informing the business circles of available opportunities of using alternative ways of dispute settlement while realizing mutual activity (including investment). Furthermore, cooperation agreements in the field of dispute resolution are aimed at facilitating coordination and formulation of conditions concerning questions of settlement of possible disputes which businessmen include in their contracts and agreements.
"International Committee for non-governmental Disputes and Settlement” constantly increases the number of cooperation agreements with the organizations of businessmen (Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Chamber) and various foreign arbitration institutes. As a rule, such agreements contain recommendations concerning conditions of the order of dispute resolution. They are used in commercial contracts and agreements (optional arbitration clauses) and are aimed at assisting commercial organizations in the resolution of disputes, the settlement of which should be carried out according to the order selected by counterparts.
Undoubtedly, being acquainted with these agreements will help participants of economic activity solve complicated questions concerning coordination of the order of dispute resolution while negotiating contracts with their foreign counterparts and home partners, and unsure safety of investment for potential investors. This will also indubitably promote the most effective use of those obvious advantages which provide the business circles with an opportunity of application of arbitrational order while dealing with commercial disputes.
President of the "International Committee for Settlement of non-governmental Disputes" (ICSNGD), Cief Justice “International Court of Arbitration ICSNGD” (Washington, USA)
Ph.D, Professor Sergey Markovsky